Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Beer Butt Chicken!

Now, the Kiwis are a strange bunch...maybe I have had a sheltered upbringing...I don't know? When I was in Bunnings Warehouse (possibly one of the greatest shops ever...) an old gentleman and I started chatting about BBQ recipes. After he had finished regaling me with his favourite, I called him a pervert and told him never to come near me or my family again. It takes a lot to perturb me, but this did.

By the time I got home curiosity had got the better of me, so onto Google I went. I jumped back in the car, drove to Bunnings and apologised to the old dude. I then stopped in at Countdown and bought a can of beer, and a 'chook' with the largest arse I could find.

Pictures paint a thousand words....

Can you guess what happens next?

Did you see that coming...?

The 'chook' is currently on the Barbie, it is looking good - I will update you with the results!

1 comment:

  1. I normally use a jam jar. (on the chicken, Christopher!) But exploding cans of beer sound good too.

