Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The 'Before and After' Shot

We have just spent a lovely weekend with friends at Mairenui, which is a farm-stay in the middle of nowhere (as most places in NZ seem to be).

Mairenui Farm-Stay
The usual crowd, packed the usual things: Beer, Guns (various types), fishing gear and more beer.

As we arrived, 2 of the guys had just returned from a hunt, where John shot his first deer (called Tractor, for obvious reasons). A fine Red Deer, this quickly led to a lot of men-folk standing around the animal, drinking beer and slapping each other on the back. It was then mentioned that a flock (or is it gabble?) or turkey had been sighted. Men rushed for their guns and set off in pursuit of the stupid looking creatures. I had the honour of leading the "Great Turkey Shoot" a greta idea we all thought, or maybe it was the beer talking....? Men, beer, guns...what could possibly go wrong? Well the turkey answered that question.

A fine shot (or two) of at least 600m dispatched poor Terence, more manly back slapping and more beer. More importantly, more food for the Scott table.
Terence the Turkey 'hanging out' with
Tractor the Deer. Conversation wasn't up to much.
The following morning, with a slightly sore head, and slightly less enthusism to shoot stuff, we went for a walk around the farm, and saw some fairly impressive beasts. Jocelyn was keen to learn how to become 'Hunter / Gatherer' like her Dad, because, quite frankly I am not very good at it.

The next generation
So with a bit of practice, hopefully Jocelyn will be putting the food on the table, instead of me.

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