Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interesting how these things happen...

In my last post I mentioned that certain things are taken to extremes by certain people.  Yes, I scoffed at it, poked fun et cetera, et cetera...  Do not worry at this stage, for my legs remain with hair on them, and my calfs (or on a human is the plural calves; as usual answers on a postcard please?) remain un-tattooed, I don't even have a shit numberplate....but....I have now completed my first triathlon and just bought myself a swanky nice road bike.

Is this the start of a slippery slope?  I hope not, as it will not be just me, but my dear wife too.  For we now have the 'His 'n Hers' bikes....dear God, I didn't realise life could deteriorate so fast.

Yes, there is lycra to boot.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what a wolf whistle looks like in print but consider it duly transmitted. Very snazzy! I am most impressed. Trying to do my bit on the rowing machine but I have a lot of catch up to do!
