Sunday, February 27, 2011

A wine for everyone.

Now the earthquake excitement has diminished ever so slightly, I thought that I should try to return this blog to a vague degree of normality.

So in the same vain of the extreme coffee making (yes that is still ongoing) I have decided to embark on a new challenge.  It is called....drum roll please...

"A Wine for Everybody"

So, what is this all about I hear you ask?  Well, as per the "extreme coffee making" challenge, this too is an open challenge, and I invite my millions of readers around the world to help me out.  

The rules are simple.  Find a wine named after, or that describes someone you know well, and post a picture of the label to me for entry. here are the examples to get you started

1)  This is fairly obvious and to illustrate the simplicity of the idea:

Any resemblance to real people or animals, is entirely coincidental. 
2)  Now we start on the slightly more humorous:

Same disclaimer applies!
3) Finally I saw this one, and invite you to link the wine to the person.  As always, answers on a postcard, please:

p.s. any photos submitted of the wine named "Fat Bastard" and linked to the author will be ignored.  Linked to anyone else and they will, of course, be accepted. 

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