On board in the ward room, there lives a wooden pig. What his name is, I am unsure. The story goes that the Te Kaha will not sail without the pig on board, as it is their good luck mascot.
The sneaky beaky lot that dress in black were invited aboard for a party, and heard about the pig. They then subsequently plotted a raid on the boat under auspices of training. Of course said piggy was snatched.
The crew of the Te Kaha quickly worked out who the culprits were and as they were due to depart for sea demanded the return of the pig.
The SAS fellows then decided that the pig would be returned, but only under their terms.
Two officers were to dress in full ceremonial kit and go and sit outside a notoriuos gay bar in Auckland, and have a beer. Only then would the pig be returned. Desperate to get their mascot back, two unfortunate officers were duly dispatched for a shandy. Whilst sitting outside a vehicle pulled up and dumped the piggy on the pavement, complete with wings and dagger emblazened on the pigs cheek.

Covert picture of pig, complete with tatoo.
- Posted from my iPhone
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