I deliver Fishing Update......
I have stepped forth from the ranks of those who only eat fish, to the ranks of those that catch them too. My wife has suggested that we hold a party or something, to mark this most saintly of days.
I only managed half an hour with the rod due to some Singaporean chappies turning up, yet hauled ashore 3 nice little Rainbow Trout.
Using the well known scale below, where quite clearly W = cLb
Invariably, b is close to 3.0 for all species, and c is a constant that varies among species. For lentic rainbow trout, b = 2.990 and c = 0.000426, and for lotic rainbow trout, b = 3.024 and c = 0.000370.
Now for the non-marine biologists out there, a Lentic ecosystem concerns the ecosystems of lakes, ponds and swamps, whereas Lotic ecosystems are the ecosystems of rivers, streams and springs.
Therefore my lentic Rainbow Trout measured on average 13.5 inches, so can be assumed that it weighed 1lb. This is enough for a couple of small fillets, or one portion I would suggest.
I hope that this is educational enough for you. Remember, everyday is, indeed, a school day.
Anyway, here is the picture of my little fishy.

No fish were harmed in the making of this Blog
On the contrary, I would say that at least 3 fish were harmed in the making of this blog, not to mention the knock-on effects on their family and friends.
ReplyDeleteHope they taste good.
Actually, if I may be so bold....ahem....all three fish caught were released back to their homely, if a bit wet, lives. If you believe what you read, they wouldn't had felt a thing anyway...? Release was due to lack of cooking equipment. Please stand corrected!
ReplyDeleteI spotted an error in your blog post.. you should have uploaded this picture...