We are settled in quite nicely, although he jet lag has yet to wear off. 5 am seems to be my favoured time of waking. Baby J joined me at 5 this morning, so at least i wasn't alone - she is a very kind and thoughtful person.
I had my first Mess 'do' last night, and am pleased to report that not much changes on the other side of the world in terms of Mess life. The young 'uns get pissed far too quickly whilst the grumpy lot (of which group i now officially belong to...) get pissed more slowly whilst putting the world to rights.
Now on the subject of piss....you might think this is me being crude. You are half correct. The kiwis refer to alcohol as 'piss'. So it is quite common to go out and consume a pint of someone else's piss, and no one would bat an eyelid....bizarre.
We have had a few firsts as well. One of the Brit guys who transferred over here 4 years ago warned us of these things, yet i did not think that i would see them so quickly. A gentleman going shopping bare footed, a gentleman going shopping in shorts and gum boots (thats wellies to you and me (and it was the same shop - maybe i need to shop elsewhere?)) and another gent wandering around the shopping centre in his slippers. All of this is absolute quality. The one thing we have yet to see is your man shopping in his pajamas; apparently quite common around here. As soon as that one is sighted i will attempt a photo on new iPhone and share it with you all.
It is exceptionally windy here at the moment, we were told that it is a very windy place but seriously this is windy. Some gardeners turned up today and completely re-mulched our flower beds and leveled them out, and mowed the lawns. All free, could get used to this.
We are off out to supper tonight with Bart Simpson (not his real name, i hasten to add. It is in fact Ian). No doubt i will be ready to come home by 8pm. Tomorrow is to be spent investigating car dealerships for our new motor, as i suspect the colonel might want his car back before too long! I will let you know what we come up with.
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