Well now that my dear wife has put a strange sense of normality on the Blog, and no doubt shocked the 3.7 million readers out there by not typing ridiculous missives, I though it high time to return to random ramblings.
So here we are, a real need to share with you the latest import to the fine shores of this country. And it comes at a time of controversy. Prime Minister John Key has come under a touch of scrutiny that he has mis-sold New Zealand, and that it in fact is not as green as the '100% Pure' adverts has led certain intrepid travellers to believe.
Now me, being a fervent (and ardent) supporter of the green rolling hills, and babbling trout filled brooks of this fine country was dismayed when I found a source of pollution far closer to home; one that tarnishes the reputation of healthy living that this country offers. This is what I found......(and o.k yes tried myself...)
Pollution for the arteries!
Here are the brutal facts of this monstrosity! 480 calories (it only weighs 253g) of those 480 a rather tubby 220 calories come from fat alone (thats 25g of fat, oh yes). Now moving on to salt....brace yourself....17.7g of salt! Oh how good it should taste.....
It didn't......I was left feeling decisively rubbish; in fact like I had eaten 25g of fat and a lot of salt....funny that? God, it doesn't even look that appetising!
On that happy calorific note I shall end, thankful that I have run 2 half marathons this week, burning off enough calories to eat 7 of these.......feel sick at the prospect.....but what a man test.....an idea forms.....